Most Travel Pillows Don't Work
Now you can finally sleep upright in comfort.
Have you shopped for a travel pillow lately? The list of choices is nearly endless with new pillows hitting Amazon daily. Pillows can be found in practically every retail shop at any airport. Enough already! Most of them simply don’t work! Most are big and bulky. Who wants to lug that around on vacation? And the price tags range from $29 to more than $80. I didn’t pay that much for the pillow I use every night at home!
Let’s get real. The U-shaped pillows travelers resort to most often in the faint hope of catching some shut-eye cramped in coach just don’t allow for quality sleep. Your head isn’t supported. This means constant head-bobbing, forward or laterally side to side, which results in sore neck muscles and even severe discomfort for some.
The reality is, sleeping upright on an airplaine is a challenge. It’s not what our bodies are designed to do. Is there an alternative to travel pillows?
Yes, there is.
While advertised as travel pillows, the most newfangled sleep accessories do not resemble pillows at all. It would be safe to categorize the contraptions as “head restraint systems.” These products do not require pillows at all, and several do work better than their U-shaped cousins.
These products wrap around the headrest or seat to hold your head firmly in place. Most use adjustable chords or straps that, once adjusted, prevent head-bobbing. They also come with hefty price tags, but sleep for some is worth any price.
Problem solved, right? Nope, even the best-selling products don't work for everyone. Most require endless adjustment, and many are just downright uncomfortable (who wants a tight strap across their forehead?). Does it make sense to spend fifty bucks to find out if it works for you? Again, maybe, but we've got a better idea...
Headbanzzz, a head-restraint system with a light-blocking face curtain, sells for under $10. If you lose it, you may have to forgo a latte that week to replace it. In other words, no biggie. While designed to last forever, at that price it’s practically disposable. But it works so well you’re going to want to hang on to it. It’s lightweight and compact, so storage is a snap (it's smaller than your iPhone so it will fit in your pocket!). It works great on just about any seat. Headbanzzz is patent-pending.
One traveler responded, “It’s so simple, I can’t believe it works so well. Genius.”